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“From the very outset Alasdair and his team had several avenues for us to go down, even though I felt like I was creating something in my head – it was clear that nothing phased Alasdair and his team as they just adapted and understood. If there was ever a major change to be done. Alasdair and his team would always offer us more than one approach rather than always trying to get us to spend more money. The app that they have created and the processes that they have allowed us to put in place have without a doubt taken us to the next level and that has been noticed in our daily operations. This has also enabled us to tender for larger projects and public sector projects where even more transparency is always required”  

Clive Jackson, Managing Director

Streamline Process Creation

Dataverse / Model-Driven Power Apps


Business Challenge

DCS Networks approached Flyte because their company was looking to scale up on a large scale over a short period of time. This meant that something that was only taking up a short amount of time would end up taking up huge amounts of time and I really needed/wanted an app to streamline the process.

The Solution

  • Migrating from Excel to Dataverse. Maintaining data within the cloud.
  • Third-Party APIs used to fetch the coordinates of the site, the closest facilities and the directions from the site to the facilities.
  • Customisations to help streamline template process. When a new workorder is created, the RAMs document template is filled out for that site.
  • Model-Driven App is used for the Administration staff to schedule and organise appointments for the technicians.
  • Frontline workforce Canvas App for Technicians.

DCS Network offers services to Tier 1 companies within the Wireless & Fibre industry. Over the years they have grown into a team of more than 30 people, each with unique expertise either in the field or office.