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Advice: Where you’re going wrong with your company’s IT systems

by | Nov 25, 2020 | Digital Transformation

By David Pieroni, Head of Technology and Projects

Everybody makes mistakes. But beyond the most basic IT blunders (“have you tried switching it off and on again?”), core operational issues within your IT infrastructure can severely hamper your business’ ability to do…well, pretty much everything nowadays. Productivity, collaboration, data security, administration – all this and more is out the window if your IT systems aren’t up to scratch. 

Having worked with a vast array of clients across many different industries, it’s safe to say that we have seen more than our fair share of IT mishaps. Here are some of the most common mistakes companies make with their IT systems – and our advice on how to avoid them. 

The break-fix approach 

Whether it be software or hardware, it’s never a good idea to wait until a part of your IT system breaks to fix it. Kicking the proverbial can down the road means that when disaster strikes, your organisation may be immobilised, leaving you with nothing but a frustrated team and upset clients.  

Keeping a regular maintenance and repairs schedule is a more cost-effective solution that puts your mind at ease. Look out for warning signs, like slowdowns or system crashes, and be proactive in dealing with them. Not only can old, slow or broken IT equipment be detrimental to your productivity if something goes wrong – it can pose a serious security risk to your company data too. 

Fools rush in

With exciting new technologies being launched every week, sourcing new IT equipment can be like food shopping when you’re hungry. You’re drawn to the instant satisfaction foods that cost a lot and aren’t really what you’re supposed to be purchasing, when you should be sticking to a meal plan full of healthy and nutritious dishes that will keep you satisfied for longer. 

In much the same way, we have seen many companies impulsively invest in what some call ‘gaffer dazzlers’ – new IT equipment that promises to solve all your problems but actually creates more issues than it solves. This kind of investment is not made in line with the needs of the business and its ambitions for growth. Instead, you should invest in technology which aligns with your business plan, not the other way around. 

Instead, do your research and invest in digital solutions that will help you to achieve your goals. Working with IT specialists who understand and adapt to the rapidly changing market ensures your technological investments will enhance your business in the long run. 

Trailing behind the competition

All good business leaders know that gaining a competitive advantage is vital to ensuring longevity. Utilising the right IT solutions for your business promotes efficiency, strengthens communication, and fosters productivity. Whether it’s digitising your booking system, enhancing your customer services, or simply providing a smoother running system for your clients or staff, your IT system is an important aspect of maintaining your competitiveness in today’s ever-evolving marketplace. Expertise goes a long way: working with a specialist IT company that understands your business can bring your competitive edge to the next level. 

There are many more points we could make but we think you get the point. At Cloud Cover IT, we’re not going to sell you the ‘gaffer dazzlers’ – it’s not going to benefit you – instead, we’ll take the time to get to know you and your business and make informed recommendations to support your growth ambitions through IT.  

So, if any of the above points make you think ‘oh that’s me’, drop us a message via email or give us a call on 0141 280 2882.