Reflecting on the first week of life under COVID-19 as the world began working from home
It has been a truly historic week as much of the world’s workforce has made the transition to working from home, in line with government advice aimed at slowing the spread of COVID-19.
It has been a similarly historic week for Cloud Cover IT. Thanks to a great team spirit and everyone pulling together, we have helped almost 2000 people to begin working remotely. The numbers speak for themselves:
- 80 laptops configured for home working
- 4 remote desktop servers installed
- Over 200 support tickets a day fulfilled
Special mention has to be given to Jamie McBride who really stepped it up this week in his leadership of the Support team.

To celebrate such a mammoth effort, we got some beers in (no stockpiling, I promise!) for everyone to take home and enjoy whilst they too begin working from home. Yes, for those wondering – ciders were purchased for Alasdair.
For our clients: if we are working on your systems, please be patient because, as you can imagine, they are going like the clappers at the moment!
To the team, I’m very proud and appreciative of all your hard work. Well done.
I’ll leave you all with a meme that says it all about our week really!
Wishing you health and positivity,