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Advice: Multifactor Authentication

by | Mar 31, 2021 | Advice

What security measures do you have in place on your IT systems?  

Think of this way: when you sign-in to your computer in the morning, do you just input your password? Is there a secondary verification? How does your system know it’s really you if it’s just relying on a password? Anyone can get a hold of your password and put your company at risk. Especially working in remote settings.  

We always recommend multifactor authentication to our clients. Hey, we recommend it to anyone we speak to!  

We understand that not everyone may know what it is so we’ve answered a couple of questions:  

What is Multifactor authentication?  

Multifactor authentication is a process where a user is prompted during the sign-in process for additional form of identification. This can be a code, fingerprint scan or facial recognition.  

Why can I just use my password?  

 If you’re only using a password to authenticate yourself on a device, you’re leaving the data open for attack. If your password is weak or been exposed elsewhere, how can we be sure it’s really who they say they are. When you require the secondary verification for authentication, security is increase as this factor isn’t something an attacker can easily obtain. For example, fingerprint scan is personal to you because it’s your fingerprint. A code sent to your phone, it’s your phone number the code is sent to.  

How does it work? 

Users which have an enabled Multifactor authentication application will receive a prompt for additional verification during the sign in process. This means they will be required to approve the login on a device known to them. Once approved the user will have access to applications and data. 

Policies can be implemented to users who have a registered device or a corporate network which allow foe regular sign ins but prompt for additional verification on a remote or personal device.  

Why should I be using MFA?  

Phishing attempts are a real threat and although MFA is not a sure-fire way of stopping someone getting into your data, it is a measure that you should have in place to deter/ halt the attack.  

How can I implement MFA?  

Your administrator can implement and enable the MFA policy by installing the Microsoft authenticator application. We should mention it’s not just a case of downloading the application, there are various steps required to ensure proper set up and the administrator can do this.  

 Alternatively, you could speak with our Sales Manager to get started:  


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