Product: Introducing hav2vpn
Supported by Innovate UK, we know working from home has represented a real challenge for SMEs. hav2vpn provides an interface to view and manage VPN access.

Power apps: Changing how we work
Digital transformation is changing the landscape of business so let’s talk Power Apps.

Microsoft Teams: We’ve got your back
We’re not the only ones to have grown in the past year. Microsoft Teams has too. It’s largest growth period ever recorded was during April and May of 2020!

Microsoft Teams: It’s time for a catch up!
It’s been nearly a year since we last caught up on Microsoft Teams so we felt it was time to have a quick chat!

Top three things your IT Strategy should focus on in 2021
Owen Smith, Sales Manager discusses the lessons 2020 has taught in technology

News: Glasgow-based Cloud Cover IT invests in new talent despite pandemic pressures
Cloud Cover IT has strengthened its developer, commercial and senior leadership teams with the appointment of eight new employees, despite the challenging business environment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.