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ShiftPlan: Manage your supply teacher workforce

ShiftPlan: Manage your supply teacher workforce

ShiftPlan is simple. It’s a responsive resourcing portal to align skilled resources with capacity gaps in your establishment, on-demand. We’ve designed ShiftPlan alongside Riverside TMA as one secure, integrated, cloud-based solution making it easy to use and...
Advice: Multifactor Authentication

Advice: Multifactor Authentication

What security measures do you have in place on your IT systems?   Think of this way: when you sign-in to your computer in the morning, do you just input your password? Is there a secondary verification? How does your system...
Power Apps: Pomodoro

Power Apps: Pomodoro

Be with you in a minute, just wait there… 23, 24, 25… Okay, I was just setting a timer.  Now, I’m ready to start.  Since the late 1980’s a growing number of people have been getting more done using a simple method that promotes short periods of uninterrupted,...