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Power Apps: Pomodoro

Power Apps: Pomodoro

Be with you in a minute, just wait there… 23, 24, 25… Okay, I was just setting a timer.  Now, I’m ready to start.  Since the late 1980’s a growing number of people have been getting more done using a simple method that promotes short periods of uninterrupted,...
Power apps: Changing how we work

Power apps: Changing how we work

There’s no denying that Digital Transformation is changing businesses everywhere. With innovation at the heart of it all, Power Apps is the go-to solution for making a big impact quickly. Microsoft developed Power Apps to enable you to build apps without risk, without...
Microsoft Teams: It’s time for a catch up!

Microsoft Teams: It’s time for a catch up!

Microsoft Teams is big.  Really big… That might seem like an obvious thing to say, but since March of 2020, Teams has grown to have over 100 million Daily Active Users accessing the platform.  The world has changed dramatically over the last year and Teams...