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Guest Blog: A day in the life of a hackathon

Guest Blog: A day in the life of a hackathon

Cloud Cover IT proudly sponsored Glasgow University Society for Women in Tech Halloween Hackathon on Saturday 24th October. Eddie Pryce, SharePoint Developer, was one of three judges who graded the teams on innovation, creativity, and meeting the brief. In the first...
In the spotlight: Jim Murray and Jamie McBride

In the spotlight: Jim Murray and Jamie McBride

In a historic month for CCIT and the world at large, we highlight two team members who have really pulled out all the stops for our clients More than 2000 users set up to work from home; over 2500 support requests processed; no client left without a remote working...
What a week!

What a week!

Reflecting on the first week of life under COVID-19 as the world began working from home It has been a truly historic week as much of the world’s workforce has made the transition to working from home, in line with government advice aimed at slowing the spread of...
CCIT heads to San Francisco to enhance SharePoint services

CCIT heads to San Francisco to enhance SharePoint services

By Alasdair Gauld Last week, I was lucky enough to jet off to San Francisco, along with Cloud Developers Ross Watson and Ben Gleaves. The main reason for the trip was to meet up with one of our partners, SP Marketplace, based out in Penn Valley, CA. In our work with...
What innovation means to Cloud Cover IT

What innovation means to Cloud Cover IT

Here at CCIT, innovation is a fundamental pillar of what we do. Our digital solutions harness the very latest in IT technology, linking people and processes to create modern and connected workplaces. We are committed to...